Member of British-Taiwanese APPG Lord Rennard’s letter to the Times in response to their editorial:
China’s behaviour towards Taiwan (Bully in Beijing, Times 3rd January 2019) highlights a major threat to principles of self-determination, democracy and human rights that should be resisted firmly by all countries governed by those values.
China’s treatment of Tibet, the massacre in Tianneman Square, and its refusal to uphold principles of the Basic Law that was supposed to allow Hong Kong a different system to that of the authoritarian Chinese, all serve to show why Taiwan’s 23 million citizens are right to be more than wary of an enforced ‘re-unification’. China’s behaviour is a threat to peace.
In contrast, Taiwan has provided a model as to how a dictatorship can peacefully progress to a multi-party democracy with rival parties respecting the outcome of elections determined by the will of the people.
China’s efforts to win friends and influence would be better served by respecting human rights and principles such as freedom of speech at home and abroad.
Yours etc.
Lord Rennard
Liberal Democrat
House of Lords,
London SW1A 0PW