Question / World Health Assembly: Taiwan

Q Asked by Alicia Kearns MP
Asked on: 17 November 2020

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
China: Taiwan / UIN 116673

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what assessment he has made of the implications for his policies of the refusal of the World Healthy Assembly at its 73rd plenary to consider Taiwan for membership of the Assembly; and what steps the UK and allied countries are taking to ensure that Taiwan is recognised in global health forums.

A Answered by: Nigel Adams
Answered on: 25 November 2020

The UK continues to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organisations where statehood is not a prerequisite. This includes the World Health Organization (WHO), where Taiwan can make a valuable contribution. The UK recently worked alongside likeminded countries to lobby the WHO at official level to issue an invitation to Taiwan to observe this month’s World Health Assembly and continues to lobby the WHO to allow Taiwan to participate in all relevant WHO technical meetings. Lessons learnt from Taiwan’s effective tackling of the COVID-19 pandemic adds significant value to the international fight against the virus.

Question / China: Taiwan

Q Asked by Alicia Kearns MP
Asked on: 17 November 2020

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
China: Taiwan / UIN 116676

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what assessment he has made of the implications for his policies of reports that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has built a full-scale replica of Taiwan’s presidential office building to serve as a military training complex; and whether the UK plans to provide Taiwan with appropriate assistance to preserve its existing status.

A Answered by: Nigel Adams
Answered on: 24 November 2020

We are concerned by any action which raises tensions in the region and risks destabilising the status quo. HMG considers the Taiwan issue one to be settled by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait through constructive dialogue.

Question / Northern Cyprus and Taiwan: Sovereignty

Q Asked by Lord Maginnis of Drumglass
Asked on: 16 November 2020

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Northern Cyprus and Taiwan: Sovereignty / UIN HL10352

To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Vere of Norbiton on 10 November (HL9658), what assessment they have made of any difference between their policies towards recognising (1) the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and (2) Taiwan; what are the reasons for any such differences; and what plans they have to treat both territories equally.

A Answered by: Baroness Sugg
Answered on: 24 November 2020

Taiwan and the northern part of Cyprus are two very different political realities. HMG’s position is informed by the particular context of each situation.

A comprehensive settlement to end the division of Cyprus is the best way to resolve the challenges faced by both Cypriot communities, and the UK is encouraging the parties to demonstrate their renewed commitment to that end. In line with the rest of the international community, with the sole exception of Turkey, the UK does not recognise the self-declared “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” as an independent state. Our position respects UN Security Council resolutions on the issue. The UK recognises only one Cypriot state – the Republic of Cyprus – and only one government as the sole legitimate government.

The UK’s longstanding policy on Taiwan has not changed: we have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan but a strong, unofficial relationship, based on dynamic commercial, educational and cultural ties. We regularly lobby in favour of Taiwan’s participation in international organisations where statehood is not a prerequisite.

Question / Taiwan: International Civil Aviation Organisation

Q Asked by Rt Hon John Spellar MP
Asked on: 11 November 2020

Department for Transport
Taiwan: International Civil Aviation Organisation / UIN 114060

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what steps he has taken to support Taiwan’s membership of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

A Answered by: Robert Courts MP
Answered on: 20 November 2020

The UK believes that the people of Taiwan have a valuable contribution to make on issues of global concern. We therefore support Taiwanese participation in International Organisations, where there is precedent for their involvement and where there is no pre-requisite of nationhood for participation. This includes meetings of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Question / China: Taiwan

Q Asked by The Marquess of Lothian
Asked on: 22 October 2020

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Taiwan: China / HL9491

To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the remarks by the US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien to the Aspen Security Forum on 16 October, what is their strategic assessment of the prospects of offensive action by the government of China against Taiwan.

A Answered by: Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon
Answered on: 5 November 2020

We are concerned by any action which raises tensions in the Taiwan Strait and risks destabilising the status quo. Her Majesty’s Government continues to monitor the situation closely, and considers the Taiwan issue one to be settled by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait through constructive dialogue.

Question / World Health Assembly: Taiwan

Q Asked by Baroness Northover
Asked on: 21 October 2020

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Taiwan: China / HL9434

To ask Her Majesty’s Government what steps they are taking to seek to include Taiwan as an observer at the forthcoming World Health Assembly, particularly at technical meetings relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Answered by: Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon
Answered on: 3 November 2020

The UK continues to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in international organisations where statehood is not a prerequisite and where Taiwan can make a valuable contribution. The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office supports the Department for Health in lobbying for Taiwan’s participation in World Health Organisation (WHO) meetings. The UK is working with likeminded countries to lobby the WHO at official level to issue an invitation to Taiwan to observe the World Health Assembly in November and allow Taiwan to participate in relevant WHO technical meetings. Lessons learnt from Taiwan’s effective tackling of the Covid-19 pandemic adds significant value to the international fight against the virus.

Question / Taiwan: China

Q Asked by The Marquess of Lothian
Asked on: 7 October 2020

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Taiwan: China / HL8873

To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of the situation in the Taiwan Strait, following increased tensions and Chinese military activity during the visit of the United States Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment on 17–19 September.

A Answered by: Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon
Answered on: 20 October 2020

We are concerned by any action which raises tensions in the Taiwan Strait and risks destabilising the status quo. Her Majesty’s Government considers the Taiwan issue one to be settled by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait through constructive dialogue.

Question / Trade: Taiwan

Q Asked by Baroness Kennedy of Cradley
Asked on: 18 September 2020

Cabinet Office
Trade: Taiwan / HL8281

To ask Her Majesty’s Government what the level of trade is between the UK and Taiwan.

A Answered by: Lord True
Answered on: 2 October 2020

The information requested falls under the remit of the UK Statistics Authority. I have therefore asked the Authority to respond.


Dear Baroness Kennedy,

As National Statistician and Chief Executive of the UK Statistics Authority, I am responding to your Parliamentary Question asking what the level of trade is between the UK and Taiwan (HL8281).

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) publish UK export/import statistics in our quarterly UK total trade: all countries, non-seasonally adjusted release. For 2019, the UK estimates of trade with Taiwan were £2.99bn worth of goods and service exports to Taiwan, and £4.1bn worth of goods and service imports from Taiwan.

For more detail, full annual and quarterly timeseries data on the export and import of goods and services by the UK from Taiwan can be found on our website.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Sir Ian Diamond

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Debate / Taiwan

17 September 2020

12.48 pm

Asked by

Baroness D’Souza
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of reports of the presence of the Chinese Air Force in Taiwan’s airspace; and what steps they are taking to support the independence of that country.

Debate / Taiwan

Volume 805: debated on Thursday 17 September 2020


Asked by

Baroness D’Souza (CB)
To ask Her Majesty’s Government what assessment they have made of reports of the presence of the Chinese Air Force in Taiwan’s airspace; and what steps they are taking to support the independence of that country.

The Minister of State, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
(Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon) (Con)
My Lords, the United Kingdom is concerned by any activity that risks destabilising the cross-strait status quo. All sides should refrain from taking provocative Toggle showing location ofColumn 1394actions and resolve their differences through peaceful dialogue. Our long-standing policy on Taiwan has not changed; we have a strong, unofficial relationship with Taiwan based on dynamic commercial, educational and cultural ties.

Baroness D’Souza
I thank the Minister for his response. China clearly rejects international rules and values, as evidenced by events in Hong Kong, on the Sino-Indian border and in the South China Sea, and, most recently, by its repeated aggressive incursions into Taiwan’s airspace. Does not the UK’s reluctance to provide Taiwan with overt political, diplomatic and trade support indicate tolerance for China’s expansionist policies, with particular reference to Taiwan?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, we remain very strong in ensuring that, on the basis I have already outlined, we continue to strengthen our wide range of exchanges with Taiwan, including in relation to trade. Where the recognition of a state is not a prerequisite to any involvement or engagement in international bodies, we have stood up for the right of Taiwan to be part of those discussions—we are very much in favour of that.

Lord Blencathra (Con)
Will my noble friend the Minister condemn this further blatant act of aggression by the communist regime in China of threatening its neighbours and stealing islands in the South China Sea? Will he work with all other free, democratic nations to strengthen the military commitment to Taiwan and make it clear that Taiwan is an independent country and not part of the People’s Republic of China?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, as I have already outlined, we have repeatedly stood up on the basis of our relationship with Taiwan. On the actual challenges that Taiwan faces in the context of China, we consider that the Taiwan issue is one to be settled peacefully by the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Again, I reiterate to my noble friend that we call out where there are issues of disagreement with China, and anything that seeks to destabilise the current status quo in the Taiwan Strait is a matter of concern for Her Majesty’s Government.

Lord Kilclooney (CB)
My Lords, increasingly China is exercising its economic, military and political influence, as has been mentioned, in the South China Sea, India, Australia and of course Hong Kong, and in some nations in Africa and Latin America. Is it not time that there was a joint meeting of the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom to agree a joint policy towards China before there is a horrible incident?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, there are many areas of concern, which I have outlined from the Dispatch Box, in China’s recent behaviour and its exercising particular policies and programmes within the context of the South China Sea, to which the noble Lord referred. We have discussed several times Toggle showing location ofColumn 1395in the Chamber, and I am sure will continue to, the recent concerns we have had over the actions it has taken through the security law in Hong Kong and the continued issue of human rights in mainland China, particularly with regard to the Uighurs. These will remain the subject of discussions with our allies, close friends and partners, as the noble Lord suggests.

Lord Collins of Highbury (Lab)
My Lords, the continued campaign to isolate Taiwan by the People’s Republic is limited not just to economic and military issues. There is, obviously, the response by the WHO. Of course, at the time of this pandemic, it is really important that Taiwan is able to input its response into the WHO. We need to ensure that this campaign of isolation does not continue. While I am on the subject of the WHO, what further has the Minister done to raise with it the clear evidence of forced organ harvesting in China? Will the UK argue for an end to self-assessment and a move towards independent verification?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, on the noble Lord’s second point, concerns have been raised with the World Health Organization on the issue of organ harvesting. I know the noble Lord is aware that the evidence does not comply with action in this regard, but I am sure that we will return to those discussions.

On the initial question about the World Health Organization and World Health Assembly, we continue to lobby in that respect. This is an organisation where the criteria that I outlined earlier about statehood not being a prerequisite applies. Given the performance of Taiwan in dealing with the Covid-19 crisis, I think that it has an important contribution to make in this regard.

Baroness Northover (LD)
My Lords, the US Mission to the UN has tweeted that the UN

“was founded to serve … all voices”

in the world, and that

“Barring … Taiwan … is an affront not just to the … Taiwanese people, but to UN principles.”

Does the Minister agree?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, as I have just said in my previous answer, we regard the relationship with Taiwan as an important one bilaterally. Equally, we believe that Taiwan has a role to play in international organisations where statehood is not a prerequisite. In the current pandemic of Covid-19, Taiwan’s response shows that it can make a valuable contribution. Therefore, we hope that in November, for example, at the World Health Assembly, it is allowed to attend as an observer.

The Lord Bishop of Southwark
My Lords, this country has recognised the Government in Beijing as the legitimate authority in China since January 1950, with a very distinctive status, as the Minister has acknowledged, for Taiwan, which should be discussed peacefully between the authorities in Taipei and those on the mainland. I am glad to hear about the Minister’s lobbying in connection with the World Health Toggle showing location ofColumn 1396Organization. Would he care to comment on this pattern of marked aggression by the current Chinese Government, which has sought to limit options for people at home and abroad and is so damaging?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, the right reverend Prelate is right to raise the importance of a peaceful discussion on the issue of Taiwan between people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. I agree with him. Increasingly we have seen human rights issues where China is concerned, and I have spoken on that from the Dispatch Box. Our relationship with China is a strategic one, but that does not prevent us from calling out human rights abuses when they occur.

Lord Mackenzie of Framwellgate (Non-Afl)
My Lords, does the Minister accept that any representations that the UK makes in relation to the violation of Taiwan’s airspace by the PRC exemplify the unnecessary weakening of the UK’s authority and soft power brought about by the Government’s cavalier attitude to the admitted breach of international law by their introduction of the internal market Bill, which seeks to alter the provisions of the withdrawal agreement entered into with the European Union and signed by the Prime Minister?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, on the noble Lord’s latter point, I think my right honourable friend the Prime Minister clarified the intent behind the internal market Bill. On the substance of the noble Lord’s question in general, we continue to defend the rights of people around the world, including those in China, where human rights abuses occur and where there are international agreements, as we have talked about before. On the agreements between China and the United Kingdom on Hong Kong, we will continue to lobby to ensure that “one country, two systems” is sustained going forward.

Baroness Garden of Frognal (LD)
My Lords, I recently had the pleasure of visiting Taiwan with the noble Baroness, Lady D’Souza, and the noble Lord, Lord Best. I found there a proud, flourishing, democratic country, constantly bullied and threatened by China. Inexplicably, the UK does not recognise Taiwan. What steps have the Government actually taken to remonstrate with China over the recent unprovoked belligerence, and all the other petty measures that it regularly takes to try to intimidate its neighbour?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, I agree with the noble Baroness about the vibrancy of the democracy. My right honourable friend the Foreign Secretary congratulated the president on her election at the time. I share the noble Baroness’s concern: whether we are talking about Taiwan or Hong Kong or mainland China, these are deeply concerning issues and we continue to raise them bilaterally, and where necessary in multilateral fora, to ensure that the issues can be addressed quite directly.

Lord Rogan (UUP) 
My Lords, I am sure that the whole House is united in its condemnation of China’s incursions into Taiwanese airspace, which are clearly acts of provocation. Have Her Majesty’s Toggle showing location ofColumn 1397Government made their opposition to these actions clear to the Chinese ambassador in London? What consideration has been given to supporting Taiwan in strengthening its military defences as a means of demonstrating our revulsion at Beijing’s arrogant aggression?

Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon (Con)
My Lords, I can reassure the noble Lord on any attempt to impact the status quo. I say again what I said before: the issue of Taiwan is one to be settled peacefully for both sides. It is important for China to sustain and retain its objective of settling any disputes with Taiwan in a peaceful manner and in the interests of people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

The Deputy Speaker
(Lord McNicol of West Kilbride) (Lab)
My Lords, the time allocated for this Question has elapsed.

Sitting suspended.